Digital solutions for inclusive economies
Strategic Impact Advisors is a global consulting firm that provides technical assistance to help people overcome barriers and improve their lives through technology and analysis.
Together with agribusinesses and mobile money companies, we digitize value chains, facilitate customized digital financial literacy training, support the digital transformation of agribusinesses, and conduct digital agriculture assessments.
We increase access to DFS for underserved communities. We’ve seen how improving people’s access to and usage of DFS alleviates poverty, fosters resilience, and contributes to more inclusive digital economies and the achievement of development outcomes.
In collaboration with partners, we expand digital financial services to unlock financing of off-grid energy products and other essential products, like smartphones.
We promote financial inclusion and support humanitarian response by expanding access to appropriate digital payment modalities. We convene governments and donors around advancing the use of DFS, manage grants to develop institutional preparedness, facilitate providers’ investment, and assess the impact of DFS on humanitarian programming.
We work to advance women’s economic empowerment and digital inclusion through research, advisory, and technology designed and developed to close the gender gap and transform the lives of women.