Digital financial services
Our team has worked to increase access to digital financial services (DFS) for underserved communities since 2011.
We’ve seen how improving people’s access to and usage of DFS alleviates poverty, fosters resilience, and contributes to more inclusive digital economies and the achievement of development outcomes.
Capacity strengthening
We help strengthen the capacity and knowledge of DFS agents, mobile money operators, fintechs, donors and implementing partners.
Product design
We design DFS products informed by market research and analysis. We also support clients with designing roll out and marketing strategies for these products.
Market assessments
We assess DFS market landscapes through secondary and primary research to make recommendations for clients.
Demand side analysis
We conduct focus group discussions and household surveys to understand the digital finance needs of end users.
Improving Access to Remittances and Other Financial Services Through Digital Solutions in Jordan (Digi#ances)
Client: GIZ
Location: Jordan
Date: September 2022 - February 2023We supported GIZ in iterating and improving on existing digital financial literacy training and e-wallet knowledge materials in Jordan. Key audiences for this training included Syrian refugees, low-income Jordanians, women, and people with low literacy levels. This process involved conducting desk research on Jordan’s DFS landscape, holding focus group discussions with trainees, developing training concepts and learning materials, and holding training of trainers with implementing partners.
Manual for Vetting Digital Financial Products and Payment Systems
Client: GIZ, Bank of Ghana
Location: Ghana
Date: October 2021 - October 2022We supported the Bank of Ghana (BoG) by developing a manual that will facilitate the vetting of electronic/digital financial products, and payment systems and services. The aim of developing the manual was to ensure strict compliance with AML/CFT rules, improve work efficiency in licensing electronic/digital financial products, and payment systems and services, and ensure suitable electronic/digital financial products and payment systems and services are offered to consumers.
Building Digital Payment Capacity of USAID Program Design Staff: Needs Assessment
Client: USAID
Location: Global
Date: September 2021 - April 2022We conducted a series of focus groups with USAID program design staff to identify current obstacles to integrating digital payments and DFS in development programming. Our team also worked to identify existing solutions, resources, and best practices for integrating payments and DFS in programming, as well as identifying what additional solutions are needed and the best way to deliver that support.
Developing an E-Learning Course on Agent Networks at the Last Mile
Client: CGAP, DFI
Location: Global
Date: August 2021 - December 2022We served as the subject matter experts in designing and facilitating an e-learning course on the CGAP CICO Toolkit targeted to providers, policymakers and regulators. The overall goals of the course were to identify the significance and value of agent networks in creating long-term growth in digital finance markets, and explain how public and private stakeholders can viably extend the reach and quality of agent networks in rural areas. SIA created all content for the course, including video scripts, interactive exercises and quizzes, and facilitated four course runs.
DFS and the Digitization of Agricultural Value Chains in Egypt
Client: IFC
Location: Egypt
Date: May 2021 - March 2022We performed an in-depth assessment of the current state and potential of DFS in Egypt to better understand the opportunities for digitization of financial transactions in the country, as well as opportunities for digitization of financial transactions in the agricultural value chains and improving agri-finance. The study was constructed into two parts: 1) conducting desk research and interviews to get an overview of the supply-side perspective and 2) carrying out a demand-focused survey, specifically looking at women, youth, MSMEs, and smallholder farmers.
Digital Tools Research: Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Finance of Terrorism Advisory Services
Client: Digital Frontiers
Location: Colombia
Date: February 2021 - May 2021We provided technical expertise on international standards for anti-money laundering and combating the finance of terror in the context of DFS. We developed an enhanced operating framework that complies with local Colombian regulations and international AMT/CFT guidelines.
Market Analysis and Digital Transformation Assessment for a Pension Company
Client: CGAP/People’s Pension Trust
Location: Ghana
Date: August 2020 - December 2020Through a survey with 500 People’s Pension Trust customers, key informant interviews with customers, an analysis of PPT’s database and desk research, we assessed how PPT could transition to offering a 100% digital product. This involved developing customer segmentation profiles, analyzing customer trends from existing data and suggesting new product types and offerings to digitize pension contributions.
Digital Financial Services Integration into Hinga Weze Activity
Client: USAID Feed the Future
Location: Rwanda
Date: November 2019 - June 2020We worked with CNFA’s Hinga Weze activity to support the integration of DFS through four grantees. We served as a technical advisor, supporting Hinga Weze in the selection process of the four local grantees and also providing support to the grantees. We also provided general technical support to the activity’s Chief of Party, and supported the exploration of private sector partnerships with banks and fintech providers.
Enabling Mobile Money and Mobile Phone Access in Malawi
Client: Foundation for a Smoke Free World
Location: Malawi
Date: September 2019 - December 2020We partnered with MNO Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM) and other local market actors to build the capacity of smallholder farmers and two farmer based organizations in the Zomba District to better understand and utilize mobile money to access a broader suite of value added services such as mobile savings, inputs financing and home based solar services. Read the project blog or watch a project video.
Digital Payments Toolkit Revamp
Client: USAID
Location: Global
Date: May 2019 - August 2020We designed the Digital Payments Toolkit to help USAID partners navigate the journey from cash to digital payments. The Toolkit was designed to be used by organizations regardless of their experience with digital payments and to inspire and enable organizations new to digital payments to make the switch. The Toolkit is a “how-to” guide divided into ten step-by-step modules along with associated tools to support you in practically applying the knowledge learned. View it here.