
Agent Network Strengthening for USAID
Over the past six years, SIA has supported USAID in advancing digital financial services market systems in countries where USAID works through the Agent Network Strengthening (ePayments) Program (ANSP). In the final report, we reflect on our work and the impact it has had in building capabilities across the DFS ecosystem.

Reflections on the 2021 Global Findex
In June, the World Bank released its latest update of the Global Findex Database since 2017. Truly remarkable global gains have been made over the past decade. We also need to keep working. Here are our reflections on the latest dataset, and what we’re doing to address the most persistent barriers and gaps that remain.

Advancing financial inclusion for the displaced
People who have been forcibly displaced still often face barriers in accessing formal financial services. In this survey report for the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, we provide a synthesis of data collected from AFI member institutions on their policy frameworks, laws and regulations related to the financial inclusion of FDPs.

Launch of digital financial services handbook for agriculture
SIA is pleased to announce the launch of the Digital Financial Services Handbook for Agriculture, a product of IFC and Mastercard Foundation’s Partnership for Financial Inclusion, a joint initiative to expand microfinance and advance digital financial services (DFS) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Tracing the path of cash through India pt. 2: DFS and India’s emerging middle class
In February, Shelley Spencer and Nicholas Lesher traveled to New Delhi to launch a report on the distinct financial attitudes, abilities, and behavior patterns of the emerging middle class.

Tracing the path of cash through India
Achieving the dream of a digital economy is a daunting task for a country of 1.2 billion, but one that is evidently underway.
Future of mobile money for cocoa farmers in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana
SIA has published a report on the design and execution of a market research study in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire that determined the demand for digital financial services in the cocoa value chain with an emphasis on farmer financial inclusion and the potential of mobile money to enhance farmers’ livelihoods.

Insights on G2P payments in Papua, Indonesia
Recent developments in technology and regulatory environments in Indonesia mean that G2P payments could potentially be delivered using locally-based agents and low-cost payment instruments such as electronic money or branchless banking.