
Challenging the myths around women’s financial inclusion

Challenging the myths around women’s financial inclusion

Earlier this month, we joined FinEquity and Women’s World Banking for a webinar exploring common myths around women’s digital financial inclusion. Hosted as part of CFI’s Financial Inclusion Week, this discussion tested assumptions, highlighted the contextual differences and nuances that exist across half of the world’s population, and considered the perils of stereotyping this population when it comes to access and use of financial services.

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What COVID-19 impacts on DFS are here to stay?

What COVID-19 impacts on DFS are here to stay?

Everyone in the DFS realm is thinking about what COVID-19 means for digital ecosystems — today and in the long term. This week, we were pleased to organize and participate in a breakout session for the Global Digital Development Forum. Our compliments to TechChange, USAID, and all of the conference sponsors for pulling off a successful first virtual 16-hour global conference!

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Empowering women with DFS

Empowering women with DFS

Researchers and implementers have long known that women play a central role in financing family and community needs. What we are now finding is that DFS tools can enhance their role.

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Eyes on economics: Present state of performance & future forecast for Arlington County

Eyes on economics: Present state of performance & future forecast for Arlington County

In February, SIA presented to a packed auditorium of Arlington County citizens on the present and future states of the county’s economic development. Massoud told citizens that future economic growth in Arlington requires the diversification of its economic base.

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