‘Let’s keep the gender lens on’
We know the pandemic is disproportionately impacting women and will only widen the gender-poverty gap. As we celebrate International Women’s Day this week, we applaud the champions who are driving the conversation to make equity a priority, putting gender at the center of response efforts.
Spotlight on COMSIP in Malawi: “Hey Sister!” builds women’s digital financial literacy
In Malawi, more than 11,000 women have used our “Hey Sister! Show Me the Mobile Money!” lessons to build their digital financial literacy, and our partner COMSIP Cooperative Union Limited has helped us promote the series and train nearly 3,000 Malawians with the campaign.
In Uganda, can cows help close the credit gap?
Around 1.4 million Ugandan households rely on cows for income, milk, and draft power. But that’s not all: Cows can also act as a form of savings and insurance. In late 2020, SIA helped FSDU explore the possibility of creating digital profiles of each farmer and their cattle to help streamline the registration process in the movable asset registry.
Announcing “Hey Sister! Show Me the Mobile Money!’
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the need to go cashless while observing social distancing restrictions, SIA, with funding from USAID and the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative, has launched a digital financial literacy campaign to increase women’s ability to access and use mobile money services.
Challenging the myths around women’s financial inclusion
Earlier this month, we joined FinEquity and Women’s World Banking for a webinar exploring common myths around women’s digital financial inclusion. Hosted as part of CFI’s Financial Inclusion Week, this discussion tested assumptions, highlighted the contextual differences and nuances that exist across half of the world’s population, and considered the perils of stereotyping this population when it comes to access and use of financial services.
Making mobile phones affordable in Malawi
Cell phone ownership is by no means universal around the world, so it is crucial we find ways to make phones more affordable. In our line of work — digital development — we are pretty much out of luck if the populations we are trying to reach don’t have access to a phone.
Ghana introduces new financial inclusion policies, catalyst for growth
As the world continues to grapple with the deadly coronavirus and slowly rounds the bend to post-pandemic days, it will behoove governments, regulatory agencies, and other sectoral players to drive the rapid digitization of their economies. This calls for actionable policies and regulatory frameworks, backed by dedication and pragmatic follow-through on implementation each step of the way.
Lighting up digital economies with clean energy
Technology advances are bringing prices down, for both off-grid solar and mobile phones, but the cost of purchase continues to keep these products out of reach for many. That is why enabling the financing of these purchases through expansion of DFS is more important than ever.